Membership benefits:
Bar discount
10% kitchen discount
Reduced entry fee for Club Events
Free function room hire
Subsidised meals at Club special events
Members, please remember to sign yourselves and your guests in when you arrive at the Club.​
Becoming a Member
Members must be nominated by an existing club member, so come along to the club and introduce yourself! Once you have submitted your membership form, your application will be presented for approval at the next committee meeting. The Committee meets once a month. If there are no objections, your application will be accepted. Upon acceptance of your membership the office will contact you to pay your membership fees and provide you with your membership card. Show your card to receive the benefits listed above.
​Membership Renewal
Membership fees are due in April. They can be paid in person (Cash or Credit Card) at the Club Office, via Credit Card over the phone or on the membership renewal form, or via EFT (direct bank transfer) directly into the Club's bank account.
​The membership categories are described in the constitution.
The preferred method of payment is by EFT (The Rhein-Donau Club, BSB 016-008 Acct. 397341822)
Please remember to include your name as a reference.
If you are having any trouble with renewing your membership, please contact the office.
2024/25 Committee Members:
​President: Steve Schlegel
Vice President: not filled
Secretary: Pamela Millar
Vice Secretary: Maria Forbrig
Treasurer: Martin Engel
Vice Treasurer: David Ramsay
Cellar Master: David Vieceli
Entertainment Manager: Brian Muir
Equipment Warden: Hermine Wagner
Extra Committee Members: Julianne Pulver
Trustees: Michael Giustiniano, Debbie Solomon, Jeffrey Cadzow, Stephen Brown